Freediving fins

Most scuba divers have never seen the long, stiff fins that are designed especially for freediving. I got a pair last year (thanks Barb !) and even though I was told they're really good I couldn't believe the difference ! When you swim at a normal speed you hardly need to use any energy at all, they're so efficient - and my topspeed almost doubled ! So my advice is this: try a pair. I'm not promising you'll like them but the odds that you'll never even look at a pair of scuba fins again are quite high.

You can read more about these fins either at
Freedive magazine or at
Esclapez/Immersions offical website.

Here are a couple of pics of my fins:

You're not supposed to stick your fins out of the water the way I do on this picture but if you don't it's hard to get a decent picture ...

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P-G Martinsson
Last modified: Sun Feb 2 20:15:58 MET 1997