Stories from the Great Barrier Reef
On these pages you'll find lots of stories, facts and pictures
I gathered during three visits to the Reef in 1995/96. Please
note that most of the underwater pictures are not mine though
and are copyrighted to other people.
Spearing on Northwest
Island . This is a pretty technical account of local
spearing conditions and descriptions of the different species
that are available. Also some practical info.
Geography of Northwest
Island. This page contains a commented map of NW Island
and some info about coral islands in general.
Animals of NW Island
This is a description of some of the animals I
encountered on NW Island.
July Reef Trip. This is a
story about my first visit to the Reef, two unforgettable
weeks in July 1995 during which seeing sharks and giant
turtles turned into an everyday experience.
December Reef Trip.
During this trip I did almost no scuba diving, instead I
spent loads of time freediving and spearfishing. This is
when I really realised what a relief it is to leave the
tank on shore. I also spent hours watching giant turtles
coming up on the beach to lay eggs and almost got raped
by one !
January Reef Trip.
By this time I knew the Island well and had become
very selective about my quarry, this paid off and I
landed my very first spangled emperor on this trip. This
time we were also given the treat of watching thousands
of tiny baby turtles hatching and crawling down to the
ocean every night. Lots of sharks in the water this time
of the year.
Pictures from Northwest Island
Back to P-G's Underwater Page.
P-G Martinsson
Last modified: Mon Feb 17 18:12:58 MET 1997