Semester: Autumn 2021
Classroom: virtual
Time: MWF 3:00-3:50pm
Main Website
Instructor: Dr. Vanja Dukic
office Hours: MW 5-6:15pm, virtual
Course Assistant: Ruyu Tan,
Office Hours: Tue/Wed/Thu 9am-10am, virtual
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado-Boulder
This course provides an introduction to probability and statistical methods. You can use it as an entry point into statistics, that can take you in many different directions:
Data Science and Statistics,
Computer Science,
Public Health,
Environmental Statistics,
Actuarial Science,
Political Science,
Earth Sciences, and many others!
Part of the objective of this course is to introduce you to data analysis with a help of R. However, you can choose any other statistical software or programming language instead -- like Python, Matlab, or Scala -- as long as you are able to follow the R examples given in class, and convert them to the language of your choice. This course does not assume prior programing knowledge, and you will get familiar with R enough to solve homework problems. Please check our software page on a regular basis for tips.
"Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences", by J. Devore. (Note: old editions can be used.)
"Probability and Statistics with R", 2nd Edition, by Ugarte, Militino, and Arnholt.